UNITAR Online Catalogue

Training of trainers : Promoting Breastfeeding Education in Sub-Saharan Africa - Ivory Coast


30 Nov 2023
Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire
1 Days
Área del programa
Decentralize Cooperation Programme
0,00 US$
Correo Electrónico del Centro de Coordinación del Evento
CIFAL Dakar (3173)


In Africa, 5 million children die each year before they celebrate their 5th birthday. So much so that an infant is fourteen times more likely to die in its first month of life than in a Western country.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the generalization of exclusive breastfeeding during the first six months of a baby's life would make it possible to curb neonatal and infant mortality and save 200,000 lives each year in the West Africa region alone.

In this regard, promoting optimal breastfeeding practices such as initiation within one hour of life and duration for up to two years of age or even beyond could be beneficial for paving the way towards improving well-being from different aspects in all regions.

Objetivos del evento

The overall goal of the workshop:” Promoting Breastfeeding Education in Sub-Saharan Africa” is to develop confident and competent trainers with the skills to plan, conduct and evaluate breastfeeding education training. The initiative for breastfeeding education in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA-BFEI) also aims to provide training and learning solutions and tools to improve breastfeeding initiation rate end duration, as well as women’s breastfeeding knowledge and skills.

This initiative aims to empower parents to control their breastfeeding journey and make informed choices while ensuring that healthcare professionals, families, communities, and employers have the necessary resources and knowledge to effectively help women breastfeed.

Objetivos del aprendizaje

At the end of the training of trainers, participants will be able to:  

  • understand the science behind breastfeeding;
  • describe the impact of breast milk and breastfeeding on the health of both mother and infant;
  • describe the impact of breast milk and breastfeeding on the health of both mother and infant;
  • understand the main structural and individual challenges that women face regarding the initiation and continuation of breastfeeding.

The training of trainers workshop will allow participants to have the necessary skills to: 

  • develop practical tools to support breastfeeding mothers at home, at work, and in society;
  • Communicate the importance of breastfeeding to healthcare professionals, mothers, and caregivers/partners;
  • supporting breastfeeding mothers at home, at work, and in the community.

Contenido y estructura

The workshop consists of an interactive approach centered on the learner.                                               

It will build on online content developed and offered by the Global Breastfeeding Education Initiative (G-BFEI)” through the partnership between UNITAR and Danone, which will be adopted as a printed manual. Subject matter experts will lead the e-learning course: “The Magic Drop: Supporting Mothers along the Journey” which provides the tools for Breastfeeding, including three modules:

  1. Essentials of Breastfeeding
  2. Establishing Breastfeeding
  3. Maintaining Breastfeeding in the Community


In delivering the ToT, UNITAR has utilized its “City Share Knowledge Management Methodology”, which is based on techniques allowing participants to appreciate the expertise of their peers reflected on their own practices and apply what they deem useful to their contexts. 

This methodology consists of various processes of self-assessment, distillation, and transmission of experiences and good practices in order to improve the performance of an organization or enhance skills.

They also include several tools that provide a common language for the exchange and adaptation of the experiences shared by participating cities, as well as a roadmap for action and progress.   

The process aims at optimizing peer learning between local government officials, local leaders, and key stakeholders.     

Participants share knowledge, experiences, good practice, and lessons learned, in order to build a strategic action plan based on collaboration.


Público objetivo

The workshop brings together 20 midwives Ivory Coast