UNITAR Online Catalogue

Enforcement of Chemicals Legislation


1 Days
Área del programa
Chemicals and Waste Management
0,00 US$
Correo Electrónico del Centro de Coordinación del Evento
Número del Centro de Coordinación del evento
Jorge Ocana


This course is based on the Swedish Chemical Agency - KemI publication on “Enforcement of legislation on chemicals placed on the market” one of a series of guidance documents developed to complement the UNEP Guidance on the Development of Legal and Institutional Infrastructures and Measures for Recovering Costs of National Administration (LIRA Guidance) by giving more detailed guidance in different areas.

The aim of the present course is to guide participants through the design and implementation of an efficient system for the enforcement of legislation on chemicals placed on the market, covering substances as such or when used in mixtures or in articles.

Objetivos del evento

After taking the course, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the importance of compliance and enforcement of national chemicals laws
  • Explain the importance of inspections to ensure compliance with national chemicals laws
  • Describe the steps in the inspection process
  • Identify the tools available to enforcement authorities

Contenido y estructura

Module 1 - Why is enforcement necessary?


1. Introduction to the role of legislation and the purpose of compliance and enforcement

2. Introduction to the legislative process towards compliance and enforcement

3. Clear rationale and (local) evidence supporting the legislative actions

4. Stakeholder considerations in the legislative process; boosting trust, compliance and aiding enforcement

5. Clear and easy to understand legislation, clear responsibilities and consequences;

6. Inspections and sanctions as drivers towards compliance

Module 2 - Roles and responsibilities


1. The role of industry in compliance and reporting

2. The role of governments in enforcement and inspection

Module 3 -Market surveillance supported by control at the border


1. Responsibilities for ensuring that products on the market are sold in compliance with the legislation

2. Description and examples of market surveillance and inspections and border control

3. Competencies required for market inspection

4. Systems for documenting records of inspections

5. Role of customs officials in border controls

6. Linkages to reporting for conventions (e.g. information contained in export notifications) and information found on labels and SDS, or harmonized customs codes

Module 4 - What should be inspected?


1. Classification, labelling and safety data sheets (GHS)

2. Restrictions and bans

3. Reporting requirements

Module 5 - Who should be inspected?


1. Introduction to the supply chain; the roles of producers and formulators; importers and wholesalers; distributors and retailers; markets, public services

Module 6 - Who should inspect?


1. Competences needed for inspection

2. Analysis and the use of laboratories

3. Confidentiality

Module 7 - Measures when observing violations


1. Measures taken when a case of non-compliance is detected

2. Tools available for enforcement

Module 8 - Inspections • Practical guidance


Part I: planning and on-site checklist

1. Strategic planning and cooperation

2. General guidance on the inspection

Part II: inspection of key stakeholders

3. Inspections of producers and importers

4. Inspections at retailers



The course, about 45 minutes to complete, is self-paced and adapted to the schedule of full-time working professionals. Participants are provided with the opportunity to learn through various experiences: absorb (read); interact (activity); and reflect (relate to one’s own reality). This includes videos, interactive lessons, reading materials and quizzes.

Despite being self-standing, the 4 modules of the course must be completed in order.

Each module concludes with a quiz which will assess the knowledge learners will acquire. If learners pass the quiz with a 100% mark, a certificate of completion will be issued to them.

Participants will be requested to provide feedback on the course by filling in a feedback form after completing all the modules, accessible anytime.

Público objetivo

This course is targeted at national chemicals officials but is intended to be of interest to a broad range of sectors and stakeholders involved in chemicals management at the national level (e.g. agriculture, environment, health, labour, trade and industry, transport).

It will be of particular relevance to officials with responsibilities for enforcement and inspections under chemicals control legislation.

Información adicional

The course can be completed on any computer (Windows and Mac) or mobile device. Any internet browser is compatible as long as it has been updated to its latest version.