UNITAR Online Catalogue

CIFAL Malaga - Green Helmets Project


Date limite
Spain, Spain
15 Days
Zone du programme
Decentralize Cooperation Programme
0.00 $US
Personne de référence de l'évenement
CIFAL Malaga

Arrière plan

The Green Helmets project will begin its journey in Andalusia, a region that covers an area of 87,268 km², equivalent to 17.3% of the Spanish territory, making it comparable to many European countries, both in terms of surface area and internal complexity.It is the most populated autonomous community in the country, with 8.4 million inhabitants in 2020 and the second largest.

Andalusia is a mosaic of unique landscapes that have been recognized, starting from thefirst autonomous law of natural areas (1989), for its ecological,historical and cultural values.

After more than 30 years of commitment to the conservation of this natural heritage, Andalusia maintains one of the most important natural heritages in Europe. With 2.9 million hectares, Andalusia has become the autonomous community with the largest protected area in Spain, surpassing in extension thetotal area of some European Union countries, such as Slovenia and Cyprus,Malta and Luxembourg.

Objectifs de l'événement

Goals 2023

Educating and raising awareness among some 9,000 students of Andalusia between the ages of 11 and 18 through our virtual training classroom, on topics related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda and sustainability.

Promote and finance the development of 10 micro-projects for nature-based solutions, submitted by educational centers in Andalusia.

Reforestation of 90,000 trees and seeds in 500 hectares of Sierra Bermeja in the province of Malaga.

Contenu et structure


Green Helmets is an educational project that aims to train young people and adults so that they can propose and implement their own nature conservation projects. All participants who complete the training will receive a certificate from CIFAL Malaga - UNITAR, in recognition of their contribution to the fight against climate change and the protection of the environment.

During the first year, the Green Helmets program will select and finance 10 micro-projects of nature-based solutions from among those submitted by students in Andalusia after completing the training.

Subsequently, the project could be scalable to other Spanish regions and other countries, in collaboration with public and private institutions whose financial and logistical support could contribute to replicating the initiative in the five continents.


Participation in all activities is free of charge


  • Training on the SDGs and especially those related to the P for "Planet"
  • Nature conservation projects: tree planting, restoration of ecosystems (terrestrial and marine), cleaning of beaches, rivers, waterways and forests, protection of wild species, etc.
  • Awareness campaigns
  • Awards for the most impactful and innovative initiatives

Audience visée

All audiences, particularly youth.