UNITAR Online Catalogue

Sustainable Consumption and Production in Africa


2 Days
Zone du programme
Climate Change
0.00 $US
Personne de référence de l'évenement
UN Environment
SWITCH Africa Green Programme

Arrière plan

In this course, we will go on a journey to Africa and and discuss what are the challenges and outlooks for sustainable development on the continent. The course introduces you to the key approaches, policies and international frameworks that aim to unlock more sustainable patterns of consumption and production (SCP).

We will cover a number of aspects and various thematic areas: from energy efficiency - to climate-smart agriculture, from SCP tools, policies and international agreements - to behavioral change of individuals.

Objectifs d'apprentissage

After completing the course, participants will be able to:

  • Define the concept of SCP and explain its value for Africa and globally
  • Distinguish key elements of effective policies for SCP
  • Discuss how can SCP be advanced specific sectors and areas
  • Explain the role of consumers and individual choices for SCP
  • Identify global and regional initiatives that promote SCP

Contenu et structure

The course at a glance:

Module 1

Introduction to SCP: Definition, Rationale and Fundamentals

Module 2

Designing and Implementing National SCP Policies and Action Plans

Module 3

Applying Policies for Sustainable Production: Addressing the Supply Side

Module 4

Applying Policies for Sustainable Consumption: Addressing the Demand Side

Module 5

International and Regional Collaboration to Achieve SCP


The course is adapted for adults and particularly suitable for anyone working (or interested in working) in the field of sustainability, climate change, resource efficiency, rural or urban development, community engagement, policy development, training and capacity development, or international cooperation.

Participants are provided with the opportunity to learn through various experiences: absorb (read and watch); interact (lessons); and reflect (quizzes and exercises).

To successfully complete the course and gain a certificate of completion, participants have to obtain a passing grade of 70% or above to all 5 assessment quizzes (3 attempts are allowed for each quiz).