UNITAR Online Catalogue

Electoral Security and Conflict Prevention [UNV.2023.012]


Date limite
12 Months
Zone du programme
0.00 $US
Personne de référence de l'évenement

Objectifs d'apprentissage

At the end of the course, participants should be able to:

  1. Compare definitions and concepts of electoral conflict;
  2. Examine vulnerabilities and early warning signs: security, political, social and economic factors that create susceptibilities for electoral conflict to occur;
  3. Categorize conflict stakeholders by status and role;
  4. Delineate a framework to profile electoral conflict that classifies perpetrators, victims, motives, tactics, locations and intensity;
  5. Provide policy and programming options to consider when formulating approaches to counter the threats and insecurities revealed in the analysis.

Informations supplémentaires

UNITAR recommends the following as a minimum in hardware and software to take our e-Learning courses. Please consult your Network Administrator or Systems person to ensure that you have the following: 


Hardware requirements

- Desktop or laptop computer with Windows 10 or MacOS version 11 and later

- Tablet or mobile devices are not fully supported on some course tools

- Stable LAN or Wifi Internet connection



- Latest version of Mozilla Firefox (download for free at https://www.mozilla.org)

- Latest version of Google Chrome (download for free at https://www.google.com/chrome)

- Microsoft Edge or Safari (included in your computer)


Other software

- PDF reader (download for free at https://get.adobe.com/uk/reader)

- Microsoft Office for Windows or MacOS  (compatible software can be downloaded at http://www.openoffice.org/)

- Video player (Quicktime for MacOS, Windows Media Player or compatible video player)

- Anti-virus


Other requirements

- Disable Pop-up blockers

- Enable cookies and java

- webcam and audio headset for courses that will require online meetings

- additional storage in case you need to download course materials