UNITAR Online Catalogue

CIFAL Dakar - Strategic Planning and Results-Based Management


Dakar, Senegal
10 Days
Programme Area
Decentralize Cooperation Programme
Event Focal Point Email


Few Senegalese territorial communities achieve results in the execution of projects and programs. This seminar aims to encourage them to clarify their priorities, align their action plans, to measure their efficiency, effectiveness and results obtained and report

Event Objectives

The course aims to enable participants to assess specific situations and make recommendations

Learning Objectives

  • At the end of the training, participants will be able to:
  • Formulate and formalize strategic plans responding to the projects of local authorities;
  • Identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT analysis) influencing strategic choices;
  • Translate these strategies into actions so as to ensure their implementation;
  • Implement these strategies by relying on individuals and processes;
  • Establish planning, monitoring and control mechanisms to achieve initial objectives and obtain desired results.
  • Elected officials and agents have understood the principles and processes of results-based management and are able to plan the expected results at all levels.

Content and Structure

The course provides analytical tools to understand strategic planning and  consists of the following modules:

  • Module 1: the foundations, concept, challenges, potential and principles of results-based management
  • Module 2: the foundations of strategic planning and the operational plan
  • Module 3: links between RBM, strategic planning, projects and programs
  • Module 4: mission vision values
  • Module 5: analysis of the internal and external environment
  • Module 6: methodology of strategic planning and operational plan
  • Module 7: RBM methodology, results chain and indicators
  • Module 8: implementation of RBM, strategic planning, action plan and monitoring mechanisms, evaluation of results


The training is subdivided into 8 modules, each on a specific theme. Each includes lectures, case studies, and readings and favours active participation in the form of discussion.

Added to this are practical exercises to deepen certain themes. Participant files and PowerPoint are transferred via Google Drive

Targeted Audience

This course targets Elected officials and agents of the operational departments and services of the City of Dakar.