UNITAR Online Catalogue

Emprendedores Programme - MAZ - Digitalization Course - Ecuador


1 Days
Programme Area
Decentralize Cooperation Programme
Event Focal Point Email


UNITAR plays a crucial role in fostering entrepreneurship through various initiatives and learning courses. Recognizing entrepreneurship as a key driver for sustainable development, UNITAR focuses on instilling an entrepreneurial mindset and providing essential training.

Entrepreneurship is viewed as a constant learning process that shapes attitudes, skills, and competencies, contributing to creativity, innovation, and economic growth. The General Assembly, in its resolution 73/225, acknowledges the significant contribution of entrepreneurship to sustainable development, encompassing job creation, economic growth, innovation, and addressing social and environmental challenges within the context of the 2030 Agenda.

The Middle Americas Zone (MAZ) is a crucial region to start implementing entrepreneurship sustainable and inclusive actions. Recognizing the critical role entrepreneurship plays in sustainable development, AB InBev has aligned its sustainability priorities with the overarching goals of UNITAR. A needs assessment conducted among retailers in the Middle Americas Zone by AB InBev has identified four key areas for improvement: Digitization, Leadership, Finance, and Operations.

In response to these identified needs, the UNITAR-ABI partnership is set to board on the creation of innovative Entrepreneurship Training Courses, which will have comprehensive resources, integrating essential components to fortify retailers and entrepreneurs with the skills needed to succeed locally. The ultimate goal is to foster sustainable economic growth by empowering participants to apply their newfound knowledge and skills in their businesses.


Event Objectives

Overall Goal of the Programme:

To promote sustainable economic growth by providing micro, small, and medium-sized retailers, and entrepreneurs with essential learning according to their needs. Through this entrepreneurship training programme, the main goal is to empower them, ensuring the effective application of the knowledge and skills acquired in this programme in their respective businesses, families, and communities.

Learning Objectives

  • Increase awareness of the relevance of digital tools and identify strategies on how to effectively manage them, to facilitate the operation and enhance the growth of the business through the digitization of key activities.

Specific Programme Objectives:

  • Strengthening entrepreneurs through mentoring, training, and exchange of experiences and knowledge to develop and expand their businesses and reinforce local growth.
  • Creating new knowledge in entrepreneurs about digital tools and teaching them about the identification of strategies on how to properly manage them, to facilitate the operation and enhance the growth and visibility of their business through the digitization of key activities.

Content and Structure

Module 1: How to digitize your finances?

Provide shopkeepers with information and tools on how to make the most of digital options for their business' financial operations.

Securely optimize their financial operations in the digital field.

Module 2: How to connect with your digital audience?

Develop the entrepreneurs’ skills and knowledge to effectively connect with the digital audience using positioning strategies and creating relevant social media content.

Promote a business through digital channels and improve the reach and interaction with the audience.

Module 3: How to digitize your operations?

Provide the retailer with information and tools to digitize the operations of a business safely and securely.

Improve efficiency, increase sales, and improve logistics and coverage, including the use of WhatsApp Business and other relevant digital resources.


Present the participant with the integrating activity of the entire course.

Verify their learning and show the conclusions of the course.



E-learning Course

Based on the needs identified in the assessment carried out with the retailers, the skills to be strengthened and the main learning objectives have been established for the course.

The structure of the course parts of the entrepreneurship training programme will have 5 modules, plus an introductory module and a closing one. Each of these modules has a specific objective that addresses a main outcome and a main output per course.


Targeted Audience

Micro, small and medium retailers and entrepreneurs.