UNITAR Online Catalogue

Anticorruption and Human Rights Training for Parliamentarians


Doha, Qatar
3 Days
Decentralize Cooperation Programme
Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption


Corruption is a worldwide persistent challenge for individuals and societies. It turns different shapes and nuances by deepening inequalities, especially among the most vulnerable groups.  It deters the full enjoyment of Human Rights as an obstacle to their effective promotion and protection while weakening the rule of law, eroding good governance, and obstructing the proper functioning of transparent, effective, and accountable institutions.

Moreover, it diminishes the resources available to meet essential needs, perpetuating cycles of immoral and unlawful practices.

Face to this reality, parliaments play a crucial role in the promotion and protection of Human rights through the adoption of laws and the public budget, as well as the oversight of Governments’ laws, policies, and the implementation of recommendations coming from the ratification of international treaties.

In order to empower parliamentarians and related advisors on the challenges and opportunities coming from the interlinkages between anticorruption efforts and Human Rights, concrete actions can be taken for building better societies, grounded in the principles of democratic governance.

As a contribution to this endeavour, the Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption (GOPAC) and the United Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) have brought together their expertise and practical knowledge to collaboratively organize the event “Anticorruption and Human Rights Training for Parliamentarians”.


This three-day workshop aims to strengthen knowledge on how corruption can trigger a domino effect on civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights because of their universal, indivisible, interrelated, interdependent, and mutually reinforcing nature.

In the same vein, it will be the opportunity to learn how combating corruption towards the effective promotion and protection of Human Rights, while stressing on the importance of leadership qualities needed to drive meaningful change. and knowledge transfer through a multiplying effect.



The following learning objectives aim to equip parliamentarians with the knowledge, skills, and leadership qualities needed to champion anticorruption efforts and Human Rights promotion and protection within their legislative roles:

  • Understanding the Nexus:

Comprehending the complex relationship between corruption and Human Rights.

Identifying how corruption can undermine the full enjoyment, protection, and promotion of Human Rights.

  • Role of Parliamentarians:

Recognizing the pivotal role parliamentarians play in preventing and combatting corruption.

Learning practical strategies for parliamentarians to contribute effectively to anticorruption efforts and Human Rights promotion.

  • Strategic Approaches:

Gaining insights into successful anticorruption and human rights strategies from different countries.

Developing the capacity to formulate a comprehensive strategy for promoting and protecting Human Rights through anticorruption initiatives.

  • Practical Skills and Leadership:

Enhancing practical skills for training parliamentarians on anticorruption and Human Rights .

Developing leadership qualities essential for effective and responsible leadership in promoting integrity, transparency, and respect for Human Rights in parliamentary work.



Day 1 (Wednesday, February 14th). Understanding the Nexus

(09:00 – 10:00) Official opening of the workshop

Welcome remarks and introduction

Overview of Workshop Objectives and Methodology

Participant Introductions

Group picture

(Check-in list)

(10:00 – 11:30) Session 1: Unrolling the Links Between Anticorruption and Human Rights

Understanding the Effects of Corruption on Human Rights

Strengthening Human Rights Through Anticorruption Efforts

Interactive Discussion and Case Studies

(11:30 – 11:45) Coffee break

(11:45 – 13: 00 ) Session 2: Human Rights Challenges and Corruption

The Domino Effect of Corruption on Human Rights

Role of Parliamentarians in Corruption Prevention

Group Activities and Sharing Best Practices

13:00 – 15:00 Lunch Break

15:00 – 16:30 Session 3: Fostering Adequate Conditions for Human Rights

Lessons from States' Efforts in Corruption Prevention

Formulating a Comprehensive Anticorruption Strategy

Interactive Workshops on Strategy Formulation


Day 2 (Thursday, February 15th) . Building Practical Skills

(09:00 – 09:30) Recap

(09:30 – 11:00) Session 4: Strengthening Skills for Training on Anti-Corruption and Human Rights

Raising Awareness of Corruption's Impact on Human Rights

Developing Effective Training Programmes for Parliamentarians

Group Discussions and Skill-Building Exercises

 (11:00 – 11:15) Coffee break

 (11:15 – 13:00) Session 5: Leadership Development for parliamentarians

Understanding Leadership Styles, psychological approach.

What are the building blocks that make a good leader? Understanding your personality and how it affects your leadership traits

Aligning your leadership styles to allow for collaboration


(13:00 – 15:00) Lunch Break

(15:00 – 16:30) Session 6: Responsible Leadership for Parliamentarians

The meaning of responsible leadership for Parliamentarians

Responsible leadership in Anticorruption and Human Rights


Day 3 (Friday, February 16th) : Leadership and Action Planning


(14:30 – 16:00) Session 7: Group Discussions and Action Planning

Participants break into groups to discuss key takeaways from the workshop.

Develop action plans for implementing anticorruption and human rights initiatives in their respective parliaments.

(16:00 – 17:00) Closing Ceremony

Certificate Distribution

Closing Remarks and Acknowledgments

Networking and Farewell


The Workshop will include plenary sessions, group discussions and exercises where participants will identify next steps to promote a more holistic approach on the problematic of corruption and its link with Human Rights through good practices and challenges. There will be a total of 7 thematic sessions, and each session will include

presentations, or panels followed by an interactive learning segment. The learning event will be structured in such manner that it will result in specific learning outcomes for participants. Different pedagogical, methods, such as interactive panels, scenario-building exercises, group discussions, and experimental learning activities, will be used to improve the capacity of parties to analyze, evaluate and develop holistic approaches.

In addition to knowledge/sharing sessions, the Workshop will include the planning of activities aimed at the implementation of concrete follow-up measures in order to ensure that the meeting leads to sustainable results.

An evaluation of the meeting will be carried out in accordance with the co-organizers monitoring and evaluation frameworks. This will help to determine the impact that participating in such event had on the participants’ knowledge, skills and attitudes


Parliamentarians from all regions would be more than welcome, in particular those from developing countries, and members of the Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption (GOPAC.) 


IMPORTANT: From the total of applicants, 25 parliamentarians will be selected. The event will be held in English and Arabic.

On the 13th of February, participants will have the opportunity to live the experience of the Qatar National Sports Day, as a courtesy of GOPAC, who will also be covering flight and accommodation expenses in Doha, Qatar.