Le site Web officiel de l'UNITAR et ses domaines utilisent des cookies (petits fichiers d'information que le serveur envoie à l'ordinateur de la personne qui accède au site) pour assurer le bon fonctionnement et l'affichage de ses pages Web, ainsi que pour collecter des informations statistiques.

Types of Cookies

The following types of cookies are used:

Depending on the owner

  • Internal: These cookies are sent to the user's terminal equipment from a computer or domain managed by the site owner, in this case UNITAR, and from which the service requested by the user is provided.
  • External: These cookies are sent to the terminal equipment of the user from a computer or domain that is not managed by the site owner, but by another entity that processes the data obtained through cookies.

Depending on the duration

  • Temporary: A type of cookie designed to collect and store data while the user accesses a website. The information stored on the server will remain in the server's memory until the end of the session.
  • Permanent: A type of cookie which is stored on the terminal and can be accessed and processed over a specified time period ranging from a few minutes to several years.

Depending on the purpose

  • Analytic: Used to monitor and statistically analyse the behaviour of all users. If these cookies are deactivated, the website may continue to function, without prejudice to the fact that the information captured by these cookies on the use of our website and its content allows us to improve our services.
  • Technical: Necessary or convenient for the provision of certain services. If these cookies are deactivated, you will not be able to receive the contents of the website correctly.
  • Social: Used so that visitors can interact with content on social media platforms (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Flickr, etc.). The conditions of use of these cookies, and the information collected, is regulated by the privacy policy of the corresponding social media platform.

Cookies used On the website

Google Analytics

  • Cookies:
    • ga
    • _gat
    • _gid
    • Other possible cookies to be charged by Google's visit monitoring service [1]
  • Type: Analytic
  • Temporality: Permanent / Temporary
  • Ownership: External Terms of the service: [2]
  • Purpose:  To generate a unique user identifier, which is used to count the number of visits made to the website, to register the first and last time that the user visited the site, as well as the date and time of access; to check whether to keep the user logged-in or whether to create a new session, and to monitor the approximate geographical location of the computer accessing the site for statistical purposes.

Event Cookies

  • Cookies:
    • Has_js
  • Type: Technical
  • Temporality: Temporary
  • Ownership: Internal
  • Purpose:  Monitor access to the personal account for each user registered.

[1] – Google Analytics Cookie Usage on Websites

[2] – Google Analytics Privacy Policy

How to Change Cookie Settings

You can limit, block or delete cookies from UNITAR or any other website.  The procedure varies depending on the browser used. The "Help" option will show you how to proceed.