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6 Nov 2023
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Workshop on Digital Diplomacy and Cybersecurity for Vienna-Based Diplomats

Vienna, Austria
2 Days
Área del programa
Multilateral Diplomacy
0,00 US$
Correo Electrónico del Centro de Coordinación del Evento
Austria Ministry of Foreign Affairs
By application & selection
Tipo de aprendizaje
Diplomacia Multilateral
Protección de Datos y Privacidad
Los datos personales de los participantes que solicitan, se registran o participan en los cursos y otros eventos de UNITAR se rigen por la Política de Privacidad y Protección de Datos. Al solicitar, registrarse o participar en este evento, el participante reconoce que conoce dicha política y aceptan sus condiciones.

Technology has always been one of the main driving forces behind the development of humankind, shaping the world that we live in. Never before, however, were the changes introduced by technological progress so rapid and so widespread as today – new technologies are available almost simultaneously across the globe and virtually everyone can access them. The same can be said about access to information – data has never been so freely available as in the twenty-first century. In this context, an understanding of cybersecurity amidst the rise of cybercrime has become an important element of global governance and requires regulation through organisations such as UNODC.

By the end of the workshop, participants should be able to:

  • Distinguish key issues at the intersection between diplomacy and technology;

  • Explain the relationship between cyberspace and geopolitics and its effects on diplomacy;

  • Identify concrete ways in which digital technologies can support diplomats and diplomacy;

  • Distinguish between the different aspects of cybersecurity, the challenge they pose to governments, companies and societies, and the role of institutions like UNODC in tackling them.

This workshop is designed to enhance participants’ understanding of the main fields comprising Digital Diplomacy and Cybersecurity and thereby providing them with a competitive edge and the necessary foundations to effectively navigate in the diplomatic realm of tomorrow. To foster an engaging and interactive learning environment, the workshop incorporates practical group activities and discussions. The workshop will also focus on a comprehensive examination of cybersecurity challenges, including degradation attacks, cyber espionage, artificial intelligence, and will explore the ways in which international organisations like UNODC collaborate with governments and industry stakeholders to address cybercrime and establish a framework for global cybersecurity governance.

Thanks to the support of the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this workshop is open and free of charge only to members of Vienna's Permanent Missions and delegates of the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. UNITAR reserves the right to make a selection among candidates.

The workshop will take place on November 9 and 10 at the Vienna International Center. The course will be conducted in English. 

Please keep in mind that places on our courses fill up fast and are allocated on a first-come-first-serve basis. Once all the places are taken, the applications will be closed prior to the deadline. 

For more information, please write an email to diplomacy [at] (diplomacy[at]unitar[dot]org).