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10 Dic 2023
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CIFAL Malaga - TWSOTR Project Series

Spain, Spain
1 Days
Área del programa
Decentralize Cooperation Programme
0,00 US$
Correo Electrónico del Centro de Coordinación del Evento
CIFAL Malaga
Public – by registration
Tipo de aprendizaje
English, Spanish
Protección de Datos y Privacidad
Los datos personales de los participantes que solicitan, se registran o participan en los cursos y otros eventos de UNITAR se rigen por la Política de Privacidad y Protección de Datos. Al solicitar, registrarse o participar en este evento, el participante reconoce que conoce dicha política y aceptan sus condiciones.

Alcohol-impaired drivers are at a much higher risk of being involved in an accident. This awareness course aims to help you understand the dangers of drunk driving around the world. It features real people, real stories and real consequences.

The activity aims to raise awareness of the risks of drunk driving, with the ultimate goal of helping to reduce alcohol-related deaths and injuries among road users.

Raise awareness of the dangers of driving under the influence of alcohol.

The event will consist of an awareness talk with real testimonies of people who have suffered a road accident, telling in first person their experience. Each attendee will receive a portable breathalyzer.

This project aims to raise awareness of the dangers and consequences of driving under the influence of alcohol. On this occasion, the workshops were held at the facilities of the Faculty of Tourism at University of Málaga.

Participants were taught the purpose of the project. They participated in games that distort their vision to see the effects of alcohol and used virtual reality goggles to witness an accident. They also received breathalysers

The purpose of this workshop is to inform young people about the risks of driving under the influence of alcohol. Students participate in recreational activities. CIFAL Malaga gives away portable breathalyzers to all the young people who attended the workshop


All sectors of society, focused on youth people.