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16 Ene 2023
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"Tomorrow's Leaders Speak" Today Series

Geneva , Switzerland
Por confirmar
11 Months
Área del programa
Governance, Other
0,00 US$
Correo Electrónico del Centro de Coordinación del Evento
Public – by registration
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Throughout the vast majority of international fora, experts from all sectors of society and industries discus international issues and their solutions through a variety of perspectives. Increased efforts have been taken to enrich the dialogues through promoting inclusion on the fora, however, youth, especially from the global south, are rarely provided with a platform to interact with these global decision-makers and participate in an exchange of ideas. Previous youth forums , youth-centered projects , and other youth related international activities have shown us that age is not a barrier for your opinions to be listened, your capacity to be shown, and your creativity to be seen. 

The leaders of the future play an essential role in training the society for future generations. Therefore, it is required that their voices be heard; their opinions be discussed their doubts be clarified and their ideas be distributed. 

Therefore, the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), in collaboration with Future Voices Inc., has created their webinar series, with the aim that youths' voices reach those who are in decision-marking position to effectuate real changes, and in return inspire and motivate these young changemakers on coherent and effective approaches that maximise their contribution to what the world needs.  

This 10-month interactive learning aims to empower, upskill and connect participants with the necessary knowledge and skills that would permit them to become influential leaders of the future. 

Conducted jointly between UNITAR and Future Voices Inc. Nelson Mandela Learning Centre, the programme will consist of nine virtual sessions, held once a month, in which students from various countries selected by Future Voices Inc. will have the opportunity to learn from, and discuss with some of the worlds most prominent international leaders in the fields of Human Rights, Sustainable Development, Multilateral Diplomacy, International Law, Peace and Justice, and others. Each session will be held on a different theme, which will be directly connected to the area of expertise of each speaker. 


The series of 9 online events will conclude with a two-day immersive field visit to Geneva and its international institutions. Geneva is host to 39 international institutions, organizations, and bodies; approximately 750 NGO's; and 178 Permanent Missions. There is a plethora of experts that reside in Geneva, making this city the ideal destination for a UN-related field visit.

These experts range from diplomats, special rapporteurs, UN dignitaries, International Law experts, private sector leaders, civil society representatives and activists, and on occasion foreign ministers and heads of state. 

The online element of the programme will be hosted on Zoom and will be uploaded on UNITAR's social media platforms as well as UNITAR' s website. At the end of the programme, participants who have attended at least 80% of the programme excluding the 2 -day field visit , will receive a UNITAR-Future Voices Inc. Certificate of Completion. 


In the case that an in-person event in Geneva will not be possible, the immersion programme will be held virtually, using UNITAR's recognised expertise in vitural immersion programmes.  

The program will bring together 15 emerging leaders from Australia and Africa in monthly sessions that include:

  • Practical tools and training for deepening values-based leadership and passion. 
  • Community groups 
  • Leadership and governance
  • Diplomacy 
  • Public Health 
  • Human Rights, equality and diversity. climate, peace and international relations
  • This series will give global youth exclusive insights on the latest policies, practices and approaches to global challenges.


  • This series will offer participants different perspectives and ideas that will contribute to a holistic discussion on sustainable development, human rights, international cooperation and global challenges, etc. 


  • Experts will hear the opinions and ides of students and global youth, thereby creating an intergenerational discussion on global challenges with the aim of developing leadership skills to effectively contribute to real and lasting changes. 


  • The series will raise awareness of, and encourage action on, the achievement of the SDG's by 2030, by empowering youth around the globe.


  • It will promote a global discourse and narrative on stakeholders' efforts stakeholders to achieve the SDGs in order to illustrate how innovative practices contribute to achieving Agenda 2030. 


The course will cover various topics. These include:

  • The role of interfaith dialogue in peacebuilding and sustainable development 
  • Water as the core of sustainable development 
  • Gender considerations in leadership 
  • Harmonising International Law and International Security 
  • Building an ageist-free society
  • The of education in advancing policy and sustainable development 
  • The Legacy of Kofi Annan 
  • Diplomatic representation, negotiation insights, crisis management
  • Building Lasting Peace 
  • Leadership of the Future

The course will be web-based learning + day field visit to Geneva.

This series is targeted participants aged 20 and 35 years old on July 15, 2023, who speak proficient in English (spoken and written),  whose is a citizen for an eligible nation or territory or a permanent resident of an eligible nation or territory or a refugee or asylum seeker in an eligible nation or territory or have lived in an eligible nation or territory for at least 4 year, regardless of documentation status.