Integrating Climate Change in UNICEF’s Planning and Programming

2 Days
Climate Change
UN CC:Learn Partnership
Public – by registration
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Climate change is one of the most pressing global challenges of our time. In this course, you will discover the stark realities of climate change impacts across the world, as well as inspiring insights into opportunities for ensuring that we mitigate the risks and adapt our systems as best possible to reduce damage and destruction to lives and livelihoods. This course will remind us that tackling climate change is not only something to do for our children, but with them, and sometimes with them leading the way.

With a specific focus on UNICEF’s work and programming, this course will provide examples of the specific impacts of climate change on children. The course aims to inspire increased climate change action among professionals engaged in-country programming and will allow you to explore the many tools and resources that you and your organization have to support your efforts—and the involvement of youth in your specific work areas. You will learn about some of the outstanding work happening in the education sector in Viet Nam, one of many countries hard hit by climate change. Finally, you’ll learn about the innovative work being done to fund climate change action and how to ensure you and your organization can successfully access and advocate for the resources you need.

After you complete your learning, you’ll have the opportunity to receive a UNITAR certificate upon successful completion of a 10-question learning assessment. We also encourage you to complete the evaluation to let us know what you thought of the course and what additional support you need. The evaluation will also give you the opportunity to sign up to be notified about upcoming webinars on key topics on climate change and children.

Course Learning Objectives  

  • Describe why climate change matters for UNICEF and the interlinkages with UNICEF's core programmatic areas.
  • Explain the key planning tools used at the country level to integrate climate change into country planning and programming efforts (e.g. SitAn, CLAC, GRIP).
  • Analyse examples of how planning tools have been used to integrate climate change into Country Office programming including in the area of WASH.
  • Describe the role of sectoral tools and frameworks in integrating climate change into programming, for example in the areas of WASH and Education.
  • Explain the key principles for designing climate programmes/projects and accessing climate finance.

Course at a glance

Module 1: Why Climate Change Matters for UNICEF and the World

Lesson 1: Climate Change is a Children’s Issue

Lesson 2 : It Starts With You

Module 2: Stimulating Engagement

Lesson 1: Technical Tools and Resources

Lesson 2: Progress in Viet Nam: Integrating Climate Change into Education Programming

Module 3: Understanding Means of Implementation

Lesson 1: Financing Climate Change Action

Module 4: Wrap-up and Review

