Event Availability
10 from a total of 156 events
Public – by registration
Closed for new registrations
Type: Webinar
Duration: 0 Days
Fee: 0.00 USD
Event Focal Point Email: analucia.jacome@unitar.org
Programme Area: Decentralize Cooperation Programme

General Scenario for the whole series

Private – by invitation
Closed for new registrations
Type: Workshop
Duration: 1 Days
Fee: 0.00 USD
Event Focal Point Email: cifalnetwork@unitar.org
Programme Area: Decentralize Cooperation Programme

The “Management Practices for Safer Roads Toolkit” is an interactive e-learning tool that presents a management methodology and a road map that can help improve road safety by collecting data on the number and location of deaths caused by road traffic crashes; identifying hazardous and critical road locations where excessive numbers of crashes occur; outlining corrective measures; and by implem

Public – by registration
Closed for new registrations
Type: Workshop
Duration: 1 Days
Fee: 0.00 USD
Event Focal Point Email: mehdi.ladab@unitar.org
Programme Area: Governance, Multilateral Diplomacy

The event will take place on Thursday, November 20th (times 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM).

This workshop is the second session of the Fall 2023 Columbia Law School training series.

This workshop will take place in Hybrid format, in person from UNHQ for all those with a valid UN ID and online for those without a UN ID. 

UNITAR will not issue UN ID's for the participants. 

Deadline: Closed
Public – by registration
Closed for new registrations
Type: Other
Duration: 2 Days
Fee: 0.00 USD
Event Focal Point Email: diego_azua@race.es
Programme Area: Decentralize Cooperation Programme

Esta actividad de carácter social del Gobierno regional, se engloba dentro del plan de dignificación de las condiciones de vida de los habitantes de la Cañada Real Galiana para mejorar la movilidad de los vecinos y su conexión a la ciudad, prestando también servicios sanitarios y de emergencias, ofreciendo rutas escolares, entre otras muchas acciones.

Public – by registration
Closed for new registrations
Type: Workshop
Duration: 1 Days
Fee: 0.00 USD
Event Focal Point Email: mehdi.ladab@unitar.org
Programme Area: Governance, Multilateral Diplomacy

The event will take place on Thursday, October 26th (times 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM).

This workshop is the first session of the Fall 2023 Columbia Law School training series.

This workshop will take place in Hybrid format, in person from UNHQ for all those with a valid UN ID and online for those without a UN ID. 

UNITAR will not issue UN ID's for the participants. 

Deadline: Closed
Private – by invitation
Closed for new registrations
Type: Workshop
Duration: 2 Days
Fee: 0.00 USD
Event Focal Point Email: cifaljeju.jitc.env@gmail.com
Programme Area: Decentralize Cooperation Programme

Essential Public Capacity for a Peaceful and More Inclusive Society: Collaborative Governance with a Focus on Negotiation and Mediation Skills in SDGs Implementation and Public-Policy Conflict Resolution

Public – by registration
Closed for new registrations
Type: Webinar
Duration: 0 Days
Fee: 0.00 USD
Event Focal Point Email: analucia.jacome@unitar.org
Programme Area: Decentralize Cooperation Programme

General Scenario for the whole series

Deadline: Closed
Public – by registration
Closed for new registrations
Type: Side Event
Duration: 0 Days
Fee: 0.00 USD
Event Focal Point Email: arnaud.guyon@unitar.org
Programme Area: Decentralize Cooperation Programme
Deadline: Closed
12Oct 2023 - 20Oct 2023
Dakar, Senegal
Private – by invitation
Closed for new registrations
Type: Course
Duration: 7 Days
Fee: 0.00 USD
Event Focal Point Email: Cf3pmcifaldakar@gmail.com
Programme Area: Decentralize Cooperation Programme

Negotiation probably offers the most powerful means of resolving conflicts and optimising exchanges. In the first case, it prevents the value from being destroyed (waste of time, loss of money, social costs, etc.) and in the second case, it directly creates value (in principle, each party who signs a contract makes a profit).

Deadline: Closed
By application & selection
Closed for new registrations
Type: Fellowship Programme
Duration: 3 Months
Fee: 2,000.00 USD
Event Focal Point Email: reem.ebid@unitar.org
Programme Area: Climate Change, Governance, Migration, Peace Security and Diplomacy, Peacemaking and Conflict Prevention, Multilateral Diplomacy

The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) is a principal training arm of the United Nations, working in every region of the world. We empower individuals, governments and organizations through knowledge and learning to effectively overcome contemporary global challenges.