The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) was established in 1963 as an autonomous body within the United Nations with the purpose of enhancing the effectiveness of the work of the UN and its member states.
The subject of international law brings a lot of concepts to mind, from war and settlement of disputes between States, protection of the environment, responsibilities and obligations, to human rights protection between citizens, refugees of different States and corporations.
International organizations are playing an increasingly important role in the international legal order. They are active in virtually all fields of human activity, they regularly conclude international treaties and continuously interact with other actors of international law. Nowadays, they wield growing normative powers.
Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) are the predominant legal method for addressing transboundary environmental problems. Adopted by States, MEAs are standard-settings instruments for effective global environmental protection.
The International Law of Treaties is a set of international principles and rules regulating the conclusion procedure of treaties, as well as the issues of operation, amendments and modifications, termination, suspension and invalidity of treaties. For those involved in the drafting, negotiation and conclusion of international treaties, a sound knowledge of the Law of Treaties is indispensable.
For the adequate implementation of and compliance with MEAs at a national level, there is a need to raise awareness on International Environmental Law (IEL) and develop specific capacities for its implementation at the national level.
The United Nations Institute for Training and Research's (UNITAR) Online Certificate on International Law and the UN system offers a unique opportunity for both students wanting to pursue a career in international law or international relations, and professionals working in international and regional organizations as well as governmental and non-governmental institutions, to expand their knowle
The United Nations Institute for Training and Research's (UNITAR) Online Diploma in Multilateral Diplomacy offers a unique opportunity for both students wanting to pursue a career in international relations, and professionals working in international and regional organizations as well as governmental and non-governmental institutions, to expand their knowledge on international affairs and stren
Over the past 20 years, disasters have affected billions of people, caused USD$ trillions of damage, and killed millions of people. Disasters have affected people living in developing countries and, in particular, the most vulnerable communities within these countries.
Conducting risk analysis during strategic planning exercises a) expands humanitarian focus from acute and urgent needs to chronic vulnerabilities and exposure to future risks, stress, and shocks, and b) helps integrate reduction of extreme vulnerability into planning to facilitate recovery, and therefore aims at preventing new and reducing existing risk, all of which contributes decrease future