Disponibilité de l'événement
10 sur un total de 156 événements
Public – by registration
Ouvert pour s'inscrire / appliquer
Type: Course
Durée: 5 Weeks
Frais: 0.00 USD
Personne de référence de l'évenement : adriana.lopez@unitar.org
Zone du programme: Decentralize Cooperation Programme
Site internet: http://www.unitar.org

Bridging gaps between theory and practice is essential to achieve Sustainable Development Goals. To this end, public policies are the formal means for landing obligations embedded in legal frameworks, as well as those voluntary commitments from different sources at the national and international level.

Public – by registration
Ouvert pour s'inscrire / appliquer
Type: Course
Durée: 5 Weeks
Frais: 0.00 USD
Personne de référence de l'évenement : adriana.lopez@unitar.org
Zone du programme: Decentralize Cooperation Programme
Site internet: http://www.unitar.org

Sobre el curso:

Public – by registration
Ouvert pour s'inscrire / appliquer
Type: Course
Durée: 5 Weeks
Frais: 0.00 USD
Personne de référence de l'évenement : adriana.lopez@unitar.org
Zone du programme: Decentralize Cooperation Programme
Site internet: http://www.unitar.org

À propos du course:

Public – by registration
Ouvert pour s'inscrire / appliquer
Type: Course
Durée: 5 Weeks
Frais: 0.00 USD
Personne de référence de l'évenement : adriana.lopez@unitar.org
Zone du programme: Decentralize Cooperation Programme
Site internet: http://www.unitar.org/

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and ISAR – an intergovernmental body of experts on International Standards of Accounting and Reporting – have been working towards practical tools to help countries measure the contribution of the private sector to sustainable development.

Public – by registration
Ouvert pour s'inscrire / appliquer
Type: Course
Durée: 5 Weeks
Frais: 0.00 USD
Personne de référence de l'évenement : adriana.lopez@unitar.org
Zone du programme: Decentralize Cooperation Programme
Site internet: http://www.unitar.org

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and ISAR – an intergovernmental body of experts on International Standards of Accounting and Reporting – have been working towards practical tools to help countries measure the contribution of the private sector to sustainable development.

Public – by registration
English, Spanish
Ouvert pour s'inscrire / appliquer
Type: Course
Durée: 6 Weeks
Frais: 0.00 USD
Personne de référence de l'évenement : adriana.lopez@unitar.org
Zone du programme: Decentralize Cooperation Programme
Site internet: http://www.unitar.org

La Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Comercio y Desarrollo (UNCTAD) y el ISAR -organismo intergubernamental de expertos en Normas Internacionales de Contabilidad y Presentación de Informes- han estado trabajando en la elaboración de herramientas prácticas para ayudar a los países a medir la contribución del sector privado al desarrollo sostenible.

Public – by registration
Ouvert pour s'inscrire / appliquer
Type: Course
Durée: 5 Weeks
Frais: 0.00 USD
Personne de référence de l'évenement : adriana.lopez@unitar.org
Zone du programme: Decentralize Cooperation Programme
Site internet: http://www.unitar.org
Date limite: 10 oct 2025
10oct 2022 - 10oct 2025
Public – by registration
Ouvert pour s'inscrire / appliquer
Type: Course
Durée: 7 Days
Frais: 0.00 USD
Personne de référence de l'évenement : sdp@unitar.org
Zone du programme: Decentralize Cooperation Programme

In 2012, the World Health Organization (WHO) Member States endorsed six global nutrition targets for improving maternal, infant and young child nutrition, and Member States have committed to monitor their progress. The targets are vital for identifying priority areas for action and catalyzing a global response.

Date limite: 10 Sep 2025
9oct 2022 - 9oct 2025
Public – by registration
Ouvert pour s'inscrire / appliquer
Type: Course
Durée: 365 Days
Frais: 0.00 USD
Personne de référence de l'évenement : sdp@unitar.org
Zone du programme: Decentralize Cooperation Programme

This e-learning course explores the World Health Organization (WHO) guideline development process and is based on the WHO Handbook for Guideline Development (2nd edition).

Date limite: 1 oct 2025
8oct 2022 - 8oct 2025
Public – by registration
Ouvert pour s'inscrire / appliquer
Type: Course
Durée: 7 Days
Frais: 0.00 USD
Personne de référence de l'évenement : sdp@unitar.org
Zone du programme: Decentralize Cooperation Programme

Under the leadership of the Department of Nutrition for Health and Development (NHD), the World Health Organization (WHO) has developed a comprehensive nutrition strategy, Ambition and Action in Nutrition 2016-2025, to focus efforts in meeting the priorities set forth by the UN General Assembly, the World Health Assembly, the Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2) and the Sustainab