High Visibility Enforcement Interventions: Law Enforcement to reduce road traffic crashes related to drivers using alcohol

4 Weeks
Zone du programme
Decentralize Cooperation Programme
0.00 $US
Personne de référence de l'évenement
Public – by registration
Mode de livraison
Langue (s)
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Road traffic injuries claim more than 1.35 million lives each year with a disproportionate impact on health and development. They are the ninth leading cause of death across all age groups globally and the leading cause among young people aged between 5 and 29 years.  Nearly 3,700 people die on the world’s roads every day. 

The adoption of policy and legislation on risk factors associated to traffic crashes- such as speeding, drink-driving, distracted driving, the use of helmets, seatbelts and child restraints, is essential to improve road safety. 

At the same time, strengthening the individual and institutional capacities of law enforcement officers and relevant stakeholders to implement innovative interventions that reduce the number of road traffic injuries and fatalities related to drivers using alcohol is essential. 

The e-Learning course “High Visibility Enforcement Interventions: Law Enforcement to reduce road traffic crashes related to drivers using alcohol” aims to serve as a tool for government officials to help them design programmes and interventions that contribute to achieve Global Road Safety Performance Target 9: By 2030, halve the number of road traffic injuries and fatalities related to drivers using alcohol.

The e-Learning course aims at raising awareness, creating knowledge and improving performance on. the following areas:

  • The UN Decade of Action for Road Safety– Pillar 4 Safer Road Users 
  • The Global Road Safety Performance Targets and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to road safety
  • The use of the High Visibility Enforcement (HVE) as an approach to change road user behaviour and reduce road traffic injuries and fatalities related to drivers using alcohol

At the end of this e-Learning course, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety, particularly Pillar 4
  • Recognize the 12 Global Road Safety Performance Targets and SDGs related to road safety
  • Adapt and apply the HVE approach with extensive communication, education, and outreach to their respective contexts
  • Identify and integrate key stakeholders to address road safety 
  • Develop minimum indicators to monitor progress towards the achievement of the Global Road Safety Performance Target 9: By 2030, halve the number of road traffic injuries and fatalities related to drivers using alcohol

The course is comprised of 5 modules:

  • Module 1: Road Safety as a Sustainable Development Priority
  • Module 2: What is a High Visibility Enforcement Intervention?
  • Module 3: Case Study: Mexico "Conduce sin Alcohol" programme
  • Module 4: Case Study: Dominican Republic "Tomatelo en Serio" programme
  • Module 5: COVID-19: Good practices and precautions when using Breathalyzers 

The course includes interactive lessons supported by additional readings and learning materials, coupled with short quizzes to evaluate learning objectives. 

Direct beneficiaries of the online course will be law enforcement officers and public officials responsible for road safety.  

The course is also open to any practitioner or interested person who is willing to acquire greater knowledge and ease in handling road safety related issues.