
CIFAL Lebanon - Advancing the Green Economy: Sustainable Supply Chains

1 Days
Programme Area
Decentralize Cooperation Programme
Event Focal Point Email
Public – by registration
Mode of Delivery
Event Objectives

In this webinar on Sustainable Supply Chains, participants can expect to gain a foundational understanding of how sustainable supply chain management integrates environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations with business objectives.

  1. Introduction to Key Concepts

    The session will begin by introducing the key concepts of sustainable supply chains, including the global supply chain landscape, the importance of sustainability in supply chain management, and the role of businesses in being accountable for ESG and sustainability impact.
  2. The Business Case for Sustainable Supply Chains

    Following this, the discussion will move to the business case for sustainable supply chains, focusing on the benefits to both businesses and communities, such as improving brand reputation, reducing risks, and driving innovation. Real-world examples and case studies will demonstrate how companies can achieve these benefits.
  3. Future Efforts and Trends in Sustainable Supply Chains

    The webinar will delve into future efforts and emerging trends in the field of sustainable supply chain management. Topics such as AI-driven supplier engagement and innovations in emissions tracking will be covered, providing insights into the direction the industry is headed.

Interactive Elements and Actionable Takeaways

Interactive elements, including polls and Q&A sessions, will allow participants to engage with the content and ask questions. The session will conclude with actionable takeaways, equipping participants with the tools and insights needed to understand sustainable supply chain practices


CIFAL Lebanon is excited to announce its third webinar "Advancing the Green Economy: Sustainable Supply Chains". This event is part of a series of webinars that will explore sustainability initiatives in support of the SDGs. 

Learning Objectives
  1. Gain a basic understanding of key concepts of sustainable supply chains and their ESG integration.
  2. Recognize the business case for sustainable supply chains and their potential benefits.
  3. Identify common challenges in implementing sustainable supply chain practices.
  4. Learn about best practices for sustainable procurement for large corporations and SMEs.
  5. Explore emerging trends and technologies for enhancing supply chain sustainability.
  6. Understand strategies for fostering a culture of sustainability.
Content and Structure

Day 1 - Sustainable Supply Chains: Foundations, Best Practices, and Measuring Sustainability Performance

A. Introduction

  • Welcome and Brief Introduction to CIFAL Lebanon
  • Opening Remarks from CIFAL Executive Director 
  • Introduction of Webinar Speakers

B. Understanding Sustainable Supply Chains

  • The Global Supply Chain Landscape
    • Supply Chains in the Modern Global Economy
    • The Importance of Sustainable Supply Chains
      1. Holding Businesses Accountable for ESG and Sustainability Impact
      2. Business Impact
      3. Supply Chain Sustainability Focus Areas
  • Challenges in Implementing Supply Chain Sustainability
  • Sustainable Practices in Supply Chain Management

C. Building a Culture of Sustainability

  • Organizational Roles and Responsibilities
  • Best Practices in Sustainable Supply Chain Management
    • For Large Corporations
    • Sustainable Procurement For SMEs
  • Implementing Sustainable Procurement
  • Influencing Suppliers and Driving Sustainable Practices 

D. Measuring Sustainability Performance & Reporting

  • Strengthening sustainability and ESG reporting through data analysis and emissions tracking.
  • Mapping supply chains and assessing risks for informed decision-making.
  • Engaging suppliers with clear guidelines, evaluations, and performance benchmarking.

E. Interactive Poll and Break

  • Poll to engage the audience and gauge understanding.
  • Q&A session to address participant questions.

F. Finance, Technology, and Future Trends

  • Technological Solutions for Supply Chain Sustainability
  • Supply Chain Finance
  • Future Trends & Challenges in Global Supply Chain Sustainability
    • Innovation Through AI, Supplier Engagement, and Industry Collaboration
    • Regulatory Changes
    • Key Challenges:
      • Economic Uncertainty
      • Managing Global Risks
      • Maintaining Transparency Beyond First-Tier Suppliers

G. Case Studies

  • Case Studies and Real-World Examples
    • Boosting sustainability in textile supply chains. (CleanChain)

G. Q&A and Closing Remarks

  • Open floor for participant questions
  • Final remarks and post-event survey

Day 2: Recap and Post-Assessment

A. Welcome & Recap of Day 1

  • Recap of Key Points from Day 1
  • Additional Resources and Reading Materials

B. Post-Assessment

  • Assessment to gauge participant learnings from both days
  • Interactive quiz or feedback form to assess knowledge gained.

E. Closing Remarks

  • Final remarks and post-event survey

There will be a pre-test to assess the level of understanding that webinar participants have on Sustainable Supply Chains. The session will then carry on with a discussion about Sustainable Supply Chains and its contribution to sustainable development, along with case studies to show the real-world implementation of Sustainable Supply Chain strategies. There will be a Q&A session and a post assessment at the end of the session to assess participant learnings.

Targeted Audience

This webinar is suited for anyone interested in learning about sustainable development through business, specifically through Sustainable Supply Chain strategies. This can include:

  1. Professionals Interested in ESG and Sustainability
  2. Supply Chain, Procurement, and Operations Managers
  3. CSR, Sustainability, and Compliance Officers
  4. Industry Stakeholders and Regulators
  5. Business Leaders and Executives
  6. Academics, Researchers, and Consultants in Sustainability
  7. NGO and Nonprofit Representatives