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1 Oct 2023
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Scaling Responsible Entrepreneurship and Solutions to Global Challenges

Geneva, Switzerland
1 Days
Programme Area
Special event
Event Focal Point Email
University of Geneva
Public – by registration
Mode of Delivery
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Where: World Meteorological Organization - Geneva, 7bis Avenue de la Paix, 1211 Genève, Geneva, Switzerland

Time: 13:30-17:30 CET

International Geneva – where UNITAR is based – is home to more than 600 international organizations, collaborating in public and private partnerships to reinforce and accelerate progress towards the SDGs. Many of today’s key challenges – such as data-driven impact measurement of the SDGs, creating opportunities in the Global South, enabling diversity and inclusion, and harnessing technology for the larger good – heavily depend on the involvement of all stakeholders and on meaningful partnerships between the academia, international organizations and the private sector.

In partnership with the University of Geneva, this forum will feature four panel discussions moderated by the advisory board members of UNITAR’s Prosperity Division. The discourse will focus on challenges, experiences, best practices and ways toward universal prosperity through responsible entrepreneurship and innovation for the SDGs.

The forum brings together luminaries from renowned universities, key leaders from global organizations, private sector experts and youth innovators, to a diverse audience in international Geneva.

It features four panel discussions with prominent panelists from academia, international organizations, and the private sector. Below is the tentative agenda: 

  • 13:30: Doors open

  • 13:45 - 14:00: Opening remarks by Nikhil Seth, Executive Director, UNITAR 

  • 14:00-14:45 Panel session Business upskilling for the Global South 

The Global South faces local challenges that obstruct sustainability opportunities. Reinforcing upskilling, especially in the Global South with its strong youth population, and fostering entrepreneurship are key to creating opportunities and addressing sustainability challenges. How can we foster education at scale?

  • 14:45-15:30 Panel session Measuring SDGs impact and data for responsible entrepreneurship 

Data lets us measure the impact of the SDGs on our world. As entrepreneurship, new ventures and efforts to create social impact constantly evolve, our need to assess how we create change responsibly, also grows. How can we measure the impact of the SDGs and what data do we need to ensure that we are reaching our goals?

  • 15:30-15:45 Coffee break 

  • 15:45-16:30 Panel session Women in the private sector 

Women represent only 33 per cent in the private sector. The underrepresentation of women impedes hinders the creation of impact in business sectors where sustainability challenges continue to grow. The private sector is a powerful driver for change when it leads on gender initiatives, especially where sectors such as finance, technology and digital become more inclusive. How can we achieve and reinforce gender inclusivity to advance private and business sectors?

  • 16:30-17:15 Panel session Empowering economies of trust and bridging the digital divide 

Trust in economies and institutions is at stake when it comes to dealing with local and regional challenges – but also when inequalities have reached global levels and the gap continually grows in providing equal opportunities to all parts of the world. How can we ensure our economies effectively empower global communities with equal access?

  • 17:15-17:30: Closing remarks by Mihoko Kumamoto, Director, Division for Prosperity, UNITAR 




The event is open to the International Geneva community, including representatives from private institutions, the academia, and students.

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